Otorhinolaryngology (ENT-Head & Neck) Center
The Department of Otorhinolaryngology handles various medical problems concerning the Ear and Nose (including sinus), Head, and Neck. It is staffed by competent ENT doctors who have had extensive local and international training. The department is equipped with the latest and most complete diagnostic & therapeutic instruments for the ear, nose, throat-head, and neck.
Services Offered:
- General ENT examinations & diagnosis
- Head and Neck examinations and diagnosis
- Ear Cleaning
- Epley’s Maneuver
- Removal of FB from the ear and nose
- Nasal Endoscopy, Laryngeal Endoscopy and Otoendoscopy
- Nasal Toilette
- AG Nitrate Cauterization of Epistaxis
- Nasal Packing
- AG Nitrate Cauterization of Aphthous Ulcer
- Removal of Fishpine/FB from the throat
- Puretone Audiometry with Speech Test
- Play Audiometry
- Tympanometry
- Otoacoustic Emission Test
1. Marifee Reyes, MD
2. Diosdado Uy, MD
3. Neil Aldrine Penaflor, MD